It is the most trusted and beneficial treatment in patients of vata vikara. It is the most important treatment in panchakarma. ‘Vasthi’ is like procedure of enema but not actually enema it has wide range of action.


          In Aditya Ayurved ‘Vasthi’ is performed under supervision of specialists with utmost care. It performed strictly according to texts in ayurved.


          ‘Vasthi’ is a therapeutic procedure in which certain herbs oil, herbal extracts etc are applied through rectum daily for period of 5 to 25 days. This treatment has great role while treating arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, gastric disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatism, chronic constipation and disc disorders.


            Offered traditional ‘Vasthi’ treatment involves the introduction into rectum of herbal concotions of medicated oil, honey, salt and certain herbal in a liquid medium. This traditional treatment at Aditya Ayurved relieves, chronic constipation, distension, kidney stone, polycystic ovarian syndrome, joint disorders, heart ailments, backache. And other pain in joints. These procedures performed in Aditya Ayurved are highly reliable and result oriented.

Duration: 5- 25 days.